Using the program

General description

cleanest was inspired by CLEAN and BCLEAN, the interactive and automatic, respectively, cosmic ray removal commands belonging to the Starlink general-purpose data reduction package FIGARO. The need for a program like cleanest arose after realizing that cosmic ray cleaning could be improved by merging the capabilities of interactive and automatic cosmic ray detection and removal in a single application.

The search of cosmic rays is based on the idea of looking for pixels with a unexpectedly high signal. For this purpose, the program searches for selected pixels of the frame, comparing its value with the mean of the neighbour pixels (those within what is called the searching square). In this statistic, pixels in the same row and column of the pixel under study are not taken into account (if a pixel has been affected a cosmic ray, it is more likely that its closest pixels have also been affected by the same cosmic ray).

Three initial searching criteria are available:

  • SIGCR: the signal in the pixel must exceed the mean value by SIGCR times the r.m.s. in the searching square.

  • MINVCR: the signal in the pixel must exceed the mean value by MINVCR.

  • FACTCR: the signal in the pixel must exceed the mean value by FACTCR times the mean value.

The user can establish any combination of the three searching criteria (note that if more than one criterium is currently in use, a cosmic ray will be found if the considered pixel verifies any of the activated criteria).

Once a pixel has been detected as suspicious of being affected by a cosmic ray, the program proceeds with a more sophisticated analysis. In this additional step, a new size of the searching square is defined. The pixels in the new searching square are sorted by increasing signal, computing new mean and r.m.s. values using exclusively those pixels with signal comprised in the range [PERCENTILE1,PERCENTILE2]. Both percentile limits can be modified by the user. In this way, pixels with a very high signal (cosmic rays, sky lines), as well as pixels with too low signal (cool and dead pixels), can be removed from the statistic. After this point, cosmic rays are searched by using a new SIGCR criterium called SIGTHRESHOLD (no matter what the initial criteria were), starting by the suspicious pixel and then looking over the eight pixels which surround it. If any of the neighbour pixels is found to be a cosmic ray, the search continues until no more cosmic rays are found in the neighbourhood of an already found cosmic ray. With this strategy, all the pixels affected by a single cosmic ray hit are connected among themselves (i.e., each one is connected to at least another pixel also affected by cosmic ray).

Once all the suspiciuos pixels have been detected, their signal is replaced by interpolated values, using for that purpose neighbour pixels not affected by cosmic ray.

The presence of spectral features complicates the search for cosmic rays. For that reason cleanest incorporates additional options which help to remove cosmic rays in long-slit spectroscopic images:

  • Before computing the mean and r.m.s. in the searching square, the averaged spatial and wavelength profiles can be subtracted, which highlights cosmic ray pixels with respect to the background signal.

  • Similar images (to that being cleaned) can be loaded at running time, allowing for a dynamical comparison of image regions, which helps to discriminate doubtful pixels (e.g. hot pixels versus cosmic rays).

Execution example

After installing the program, you can run cleanest by executing:

$ cleanest

The following examples have been generated using the sample FITS image wht070.fits (a 1800 s exposure dark frame obtained with the ISIS spectrograph at the 4.2m William Herschel Telescope, El Roque de Los Muchachos Observatory, La Palma, Spain, on December 18, 1995).

    Welcome to cleanest (version 5.0)
> See documentation in:

Input FITS file [*.*fit*] ? wht070.fits

The first step is to indicate the name of the FITS file containing the image to be cleaned. Since the program accepts wildcars, hitting RETURN provides a list with the existing files at the current directory matching the specified input.

Note that most of the input questions that appear while executing cleanest typically have default values, indicated between square brackets.

CFITSIO> BITPIX:           16
CFITSIO> NAXIS1:         1124
CFITSIO> NAXIS2:          226

Work with error images (y/n) [n] ?

An associated error image (containing the expected r.m.s. at each pixel) can also be interpolated (applying the same interpolation options adopted in the original image). Note that using this option leads to error correlation! In this simple example we are not using it.

SIGCR = 5.0
FACTCR (not employed)
MINVCR (not employed)
Do remove mean x/y direction before looking for C.R.
Edge size of the Searching Square: 15 pixels
Plot type 1
Highlight pixels with mininum and maximum values
FG and BG do not fixed

Accept default options (y/n) [y] ?

Default options are shown. The user here can decide whether to modify them or continue.

Are you using graphic buttons.....(y/n) [y] ?
Graphic device #1 (? to see list) [/XServe] ?
Graphic device #2 (NONE=EXIT) (? to see list) [NONE] ?
>>> palette: heat

---------------------  MAIN MENU   --------------------------
start.....- begin automatic detection of C.R. (clean by HAND)
region....- examination of some pixel region
window....- change edge size of displayed image region
automatic.- clean automatically
look......- have a look to the image
options...- change searching options
save......- save current image
histogram1- create DATA histogram
histogram2- create SIGMA histogram
top1000...- search the top 1000 in SIGMA
plotsp3d  - emulate plotsp3d program
QUIT......- end of program

NOTE: remember that # reverses data!!!

After specifying the PGPLOT graphic device, the graphic window opens at the main menu, which provides the options briefly explained in the terminal. Each option is accesible through a graphic button that can be activated either by clicking it with the mouse cursor or by pressing the key that appears between brackets in the button label.


All these options are explained with more detail in the next subsections.

Option [l]ook in main menu

A reasonable way to start cleaning the cosmic rays consists in having a look to the image. For that purpose, select the [l]ook button in the main menu.

>>> z1=    422.000000
>>> z2=    470.000000
Background:    422.000000
Foreground:    470.000000
> From Scan    #    1 to   226
> From Channel #    1 to  1124
> Total number of pixels:     254024
> Maximum: 60591.0000  at (channel,scan):         666         214
> Minimum: 388.000000  at (channel,scan):           1         123
> Mean   :    450.532867
> Sigma  :    195.278564

The whole image is displayed in the graphic window while some basic statistic is displayed in the terminal. The pixels containing the maximum and mininum image values are encircled with open green and cyan circles, respectively.

The new options available in this level are:

  • [z]oom (m): select region to be zoomed with mouse

  • zoom [k]: select region to be zoomed with keyboard

  • [w]hole: replot whole image

  • [s]et BG/FG: set background and foreground levels

  • [p]anorama: allows to subdivide the image into smaller rectangular subregions, which can be displayed one after another (this option is useful to examine the image when its dimensions exceed the monitor resolution). When selecting this option, the following buttons are activated: [j](jump), [p](prev.), [n](next), and (s[t]op) (which otherwise remain deactivated). With these buttons the user can easily examine the image in small rectangular regions, moving from each region to the next or previous one, jump to any region, or stop the detailed examination process.

  • e[x]it: return to main menu

  • [r]egion: search for c.r. at a fixed location

  • [j](jump), [p](prev.), [n](next) and (s[t]op) options, which are only available for the panorama visualization (see option [p]anomara above)

  • Min[,/]Max: set background and foreground to the mininum and and maximum values in the current displayed region. The keyboard option / set the limits using the Iraf zscale algorithm (designed to display the image values near the median image value).

  • [1] Min+, [2] Min-, [3] Max+, [4]Max-: change background and foreground by steps (in this case, the step is 100.000000, but this number can be modified by pressing the corresponding button)

  • Aux.[f]rame: if auxiliary frames have been loaded, this button allows to blink the different images (after pressing this button, the user must repeatedly press the mouse left button to interchange the images; pressing the mouse right button stops the blinking process)

Pressing the mouse in the image near the pixel (537,127) allows the user to clean the cosmic ray nearest to this location.


The pixels suspicious of being affected by a cosmic ray hit are preselected, with a blue cross displayed over them, in the zoomed region shown on the right panel. In addition, a pseudo 3D representation of the same region is also displayed on the left panel.

The following new options are available at his level to study and remove the pixels affected by the cosmic ray hit:

  • [x](interp): interpolation in the x-direction

  • [y](interp): interpolation in the y-direction

  • surf[a]ce: interpolation in both, x and y directions

  • repla[z]e: replace pixels by average of auxiliary frames (when available)

  • [s](bg/fg): set background and foreground levels

  • [n]=2,d=1: number of pixels around the cosmic ray (at both sides in X, Y or both) to be employed to fit the polynomial, and polynomial degree. By default, the program starts with n=2 and d=1, which means that, in the case of an interpolation in the X-direction, the fit will be performed by using 2 pixels on the left and 2 pixels on the right of the cosmic ray, and the polynomial will be a straight line.

  • [r](crosses): remove crosses (preselected pixels suspicious of being affected by a cosmic ray hit)

  • [t](test): compute statistic around the pixel selected by the user

  • [u](undo): restore pixels to the values before entering into this program level

  • [#](options): allow the user to change searching options

  • [c](cont.): continue with next cosmic ray (or exit)

  • [e]Exit: exit from this program level

  • 3D[+]90 or 3D[-]90: rotate the 3D image +-90 degrees

  • 3D(auto/fixed): set bg and fg limits in 3D plot to be computed automatically or fixed by the last plot

  • Aux.[f]rame: if auxiliary frames have been loaded, this option allows to blink the different images (after pressing this button, the user must repeatedly press the mouse left button to interchange the images; pressing the mouse right button stops the blinking process)

  • s[k]ip x: skip current central column in the following search (this option is removed just exiting from this program level)

  • sk[i]p y: skip current central row in the following search (this option is removed just exiting from this program level)

For example, using the surf[a]ce button in the current example leads to the interpolation of the preselected pixels using a polynomial surface around those pixels. The image representations around this regions are then updated, as shown next.


Pressing [c](cont.) or [e](Exit) at this point returns the user to the previous [l]ook menu.

Option [s]tart in main menu

This is likely one of the most useful options of cleanest. Here the user can rely on this program to search for the cosmic rays while transferring the responsibility of the pixel interpolation to the user.

>>> z1=    422.000000
>>> z2=    470.000000
(1) Change plot limits
(2) Change BG/FG
(3) Select plotted image and remove scans/channels with mouse
(4) Select regions to be cleaned with keyboard
(5) Select whole displayed image
Option [5] ? 5
Skip channels by keyboard (y/n) [n] ?

The user can easily indicate the image region to be examined (in this example the whole image). At this point cleanest starts searching for cosmic rays, stopping after detection and leaving the user at the same program level previously shown when selecting cosmic rays visually using [l]ook.

C.R. FOUND AT   327      1
Pixel value:    1206.00000
MEAN,SIGMA :    455.632660       4.16404819
SIGMA times over MEAN:    180.201401

Again the user can modify the pixel preselection and decide which strategy to follow in order to interpolate the selected pixels. Following the example, we can interpolate using in this case [x](interp) (since the cosmic ray is at the lower border of the image).

Cleaning C.R. around pixel   327      1

After removing the cosmic ray, the user should decide whether to continue with the automatic detection of cosmic rays, using the button [c](cont.), or to stop the process and return to the main menu, using the button [e](Exit).

Option [r]egion in main menu

In this case the program examines the image region around a particular pixel. For example, we can examine the region around the pixel with coordinates (950,19):

Channel, scan to go? 950,19

After removing the cosmic ray using surf[a]ce one gets:


Note that in this case there is another cosmic ray still present in the same image region. The user can continue cleaning it manually, selecting the affected pixels with the help of the mouse, or leave this program level selecting either [c](cont.) or [e](Exit).

Option [w]indow in main menu

This option simply sets the edge size of the displayed image regions. Its default value is 25 pixels, which is a good compromise when the cosmic ray hits do not extend over large image regions.

New size (this number must be odd) [25] ?

Option [a]utomatic in main window

When the number of cosmic ray hits is large, and the user trusts the capability of cleanest to remove them automatically, this option comes very handy. It is also useful to remove cosmic ray hits automatically in some regions of a particular image, where there is no useful scientific information, leaving the cleaning of the critical image regions for a more careful manual inspection.

>>> z1=    422.000000
>>> z2=    470.000000
(1) Change plot limits
(2) Change BG/FG
(3) Select plotted image and remove scans/channels with mouse
(4) Select regions to be cleaned with keyboard
(5) Select whole displayed image
Option [5] ? 5
Skip channels by keyboard (y/n) [n] ? n
(1) X interpolation
(2) Y interpolation
(3) Polynomial surface
(0) NONE (RETURN to main menu)
Option  (0,...,4) [2] ?
Plot individual c.r. (y/n) [n] ?
Plot crosses over c.r. (y/n) [y] ?

It is important to highlight that the selected interpolation method may not be applicable for a particular cosmic ray hit. For instance, cosmic rays detected at the image borders can be interpolated using only an interpolation method that do not need to use information beyond the image limits. This is the reason why in the previous example the cosmic ray hits found at the lower and upper image borders have been detected but not interpolated (the selected interpolation method has been (2) Y interpolation).

In addition, since the detection of cosmic rays is carried out moving from one row to the next one in increasing order, some bright cosmic rays may prevent the detection of nearby cosmic rays located in lower rows (the bright cosmic rays do fall in this case within the searching square of the fainter cosmic ray). For that reason, this automatic process should be carried out at least twice, or complemented by a manual inspection using the [s]tart method in the main menu.

For illustration, the sample image used in this documentation has been completely cleaned after executing the [a]utomatic detection twice (which removes the bulk of the cosmic rays), and then running [s]tart (to clean the cosmic rays located close to the image borders), with a total of 358 cosmic ray hits removed. The cleaned image is shown next.


Option [o]ptions in main menu

The selection of this button in the main menu allows the user to visuallize and modify important parameters concerning the detection and removal of cosmic rays by cleaning.

Are you employing SIGCR  (y/n) [y] ?
SIGCR [5.00000000] ?
Are you employing FACTCR (y/n) [n] ?
Are you employing MINVCR (y/n) [n] ?
Remove mean x/y direction before looking for the C.R. (y/n) [y] ?
[x],[y] direction or [b]oth (x/y/b) [b] ?

Edge size (pixels) of the Searching Square
(Note: this number must be odd and .ge. 5) [15] ?
SIGTHRESHOLD [6.00000000] ?

(1) 3D-plot BARS (hidden lines)
(2) 3D-plot BARS (transparent)
(3) image
Option  (1,...,3) [1] ?
Highlight pixels with minimum and maximum signal (y/n) [y] ?

Are you using fixed FG and BG (y/n) [n] ?

Load auxiliary frame (y/n) [n] ?

Option sa[v]e in main menu

This option allows the user to save the current image (and associated error frame). Overwritting of already existing images is not allowed.

Option histo-->[1] in main menu

This option computes a histogram of pixel values in any rectangular region of the image.

Enter region to be used to calculate histogram:
1st and last scan [1,226] ?
1st and last channel [1,1124] ?
Wait...  ..OK!
Minimum value [388.000000] ?
Maximum value [60591.0000] ?
No. of bins  (1,...,1000) [1000] ?
Replot (y/n) [n] ?

Option histo-->[2] in main menu

This option computes a histogram of pixel values deviations with respect to the local mean (computed using the signal from neighbour pixels), in units of the local standard deviation.

Enter region to be used to calculate histogram:
1st and last scan [1,226] ?
1st and last channel [1,1124] ?
Wait...  ..OK!
Minimum value [-271.445862] ?
Maximum value [1680.80664] ?
No. of bins  (1,...,1000) [1000] ?
Replot (y/n) [n] ?

Option [t]op1000 in main menu

This option computes a histogram of pixel values deviations with respect to the local mean (computed using the signal from neighbour pixels), in units of the local standard deviation, sorts the pixels according to these values, and allows the user to remove, interactively, up to the 1000 brightest cosmic ray hits.

Enter region to be used to calculate top 1000:
1st and last scan [1,226] ?
1st and last channel [1,1124] ?
Wait...  ..OK!
Sorting... ..OK
Minimum value [-271.445862] ?
Maximum value [1680.80664] ?
No. of bins  (1,...,1000) [1000] ?
NOTE: the dashed green-line indicates the TOP1000 level
Replot (y/n) [n] ?

Option plotsp3[d] in main menu

This option displays rectangular image regions simulating a 3D representation. It is no longer very useful, but it has not been removed for historical reasons.

1st & last channel [1,1124] ? 1,100
1st & last scan    [1,226] ?

Option [q]uit in main menu

This button stops the program execution. If the image has been modified since the last time it was saved, the program warns the user about this fact and asks for confirmation.

WARNING: last changes have not been saved.
Do you really want to QUIT (y/n) [n] ?

Otherwise, the program stops quietly.